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IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona
  • IMPULSA Forum 2011
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  • ''The university must teach knowledge but also skills, the attitudes favorable to being an entrepreneur''

''The university must teach knowledge but also skills, the attitudes favorable to being an entrepreneur''

Talk between Javier Monzón (senior) and Adrian Latorre (junior). Everything remains to be done.

  • Javier Monzon and Adrian Latorre

What do we mean by a restless person? A person who has the need to do something different, based on the observation of reality. A restless person is not an entrepreneur, but almost. To become an entrepreneur he or she must cross over a thin line, must take a chance and go forward with a project. A.L.

We have the best educated generation of young people, but we have trained them for something that is not useful enough. The university must teach knowledge but also skills, the attitudes favorable to being an entrepreneur. Teach to be more creative, to make things happen the way we imagine them. J.M.

There is a lot of information, but it is too general. It would be good if there was a database, a website, a point of reference and meeting place for entrepreneurs. We invite the Prince of Girona Foundation to promote this. A.L.

Effective financial support is needed. It exists, there are various resources available, but fluid financing systems should be developed. We propose that the Impulsa Forum promote a meeting between financers and entrepreneurs. A.L.

We ask the university, which accumulates the greatest capacity of knowledge, to make this knowledge available to entrepreneurs. J.M.

We propose a radical change in administrative processes. It doesn’t cost money to make this change. The processes should be simple and efficient. A.L.

A lot remains to be done, but every day a little less. J.M.

Impulsa - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

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