(Espoo, Finland, 1979)
The future is co-, because in this increasingly complex world we need cross-collaboration between businesses, sectors and disciplines in order to find solutions to global challenges. With this endeavour in mind, Lotta participates from Finland in the co-society project, which is a network launched in Barcelona that brings together the best companies in various countries to combine their knowledge and generate innovation. She is an expert in using ‘design thinking’ outside the areas that have traditionally used design. Researcher and consultant in the Business, Innovation, Technology (BIT) Research Centre at Aalto University School of Science (Finland), she has mentored theses and student projects on innovation in Finland, Holland and Spain. She is a founding partner of SEOS Design Oy, a design and product development agency which works for important Finnish companies. She is currently working on a PhD on ‘Experiments in entrepreneurial initiative and design thinking as a driving force for innovation’ in Aalto University’s MIND research group.