- IMPULSA Forum 2011
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- Articles
17/02/2012 The Prince of Girona Foundation announces the call for entries to the IMPULSA Awards 2012
Now in their 3rd edition, these awards acknowledge the achievement of young people between the ages of 16 and 35, who have stood out for their entrepreneuring capacity in innovative projects.
02/02/2012 Oscar Fernández-Capetillo, winner of the 2010 IMPULSA Award, among the 28 scientists of the world with most potential
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA) has named Oscar Fernández Capetillo as one of the 28 scientists with most potential, in the latest edition of the 'International Early Career Scientists 2011' awards. This North American institution grants...
30/01/2012 Javier Fernández-Han (IMPULSA 10') one of ''Forbe's 30 under 30''
The 17-year-old inventor from Texas was named one of "Forbes' 30 under 30", for his inventive use of algae to digest sewage and capture methane for use as fuel. The young inventor, Javier Fernández-Han, shared with the IMPULSA 2010 attendees his...
26/01/2012 Daniela Mendez, junior-senior winner of IMPULSA 2011, among the 10 most outstanding social entrepreneurs in Spain
Daniela Mendez received the "Young Social Entrepreneurs" Award from the European University of Madrid (YouthActionNet) for her project Phoenix Attitude 2.0 – Center for Social and Technological Innovation for employability and entrepreneurship....
09/01/2012 Download the 2011 IMPULSA Forum book
The participants, the potential projects, the junior-senior conversations, video downloads, inputs and outputs, the reflections and opportunities generated around the four themes of the 2011 IMPULSA Forum: Enthusiasm, Education, Entrepreneurship and...
02/12/2011 Inma Shara promotes the talent of young musicians in Girona in a pioneering concert
In a concert held on November 25 in the Auditorium-Conference Center of Girona, the young and already renowned orchestra conductor transmitted her talent, knowledge and experience to the members of the Youth Orchestra of Girona.
03/11/2011 Conclusions of the White Paper on Entrepreneurship in Spain
Training entrepreneurs, beginning at school, and improved financing: key factors in strengthening entrepreneurship. The White Paper on Entrepreneurship in Spain shows that entrepreneurship is primarily a response to need (59%) rather than to opportunity...
25/10/2011 From dream to reality: Bloon opens the booking process for commercial flights to begin in 2013
After years of hard work, imagination and much enthusiasm, the company Zero to Infinity managed in 2011 to obtain the funding needed to carry into effect in 2012 the first manned flight in a helium balloon at an altitude of 36 kilometers. José Mariano...
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