After 3 hours of intense participation, more than 500 ideas emerged. These are the proposals rated best by the young people themselves:
Attributes of different historical figures to define the ideal archetype of a person capable of bringing about transformation:
Einstein in the brain, Martin Luther King in the heart, one hand of Gandhi, the other of Mozart, the body of Nelson Mandela, the legs of Michael Jackson and the feet of Neil Armstrong
What does not need to be changed?
We shouldn’t change a person’s desires or ideas, however strange they may seem. We must remain humble and listen judiciously to criticism and criticize constructively. Above all, we should never give up hope.
How could we increase the demand for training in entrepreneurial initiative?
Train educators to convey entrepreneurial restlessness throughout the entire educational process. Facilitate interaction among various disciplines. Change the methodology and learning model. Assess aptitudes and not only knowledge.
Who would be the most suitable person for training entrepreneurs?
Children, because their innocence, creativity and courage are unique, they are not corrupted by the world.
What would be the best mechanism for training entrepreneurs?
Losing the fear of failure and respecting the ideas and opinions of others. Encouraging practical knowledge long before reaching the university, in order to change the image society has of entrepreneurs.
Which superhero or fictional character would you like to invite as speaker? Why?
Mortadelo, because he knows how to adapt to any situation, is creative and ends up solving all the problems without losing the spirit of the game.
Using the 4 concepts (Building Enthusiasm/Education/Being an Entrepreneur/Transformation) design a system so that young people have the enthusiasm to embark on new projects.
Creation of group dynamics, that work on restlessness, overcoming obstacles, effort and execution.
What is being an entrepreneur?
- Get a good light bulb
- Let the light bulb incubate
- Trust yourself and let the idea shine: a good chicken will hatch
How would you use this bar to encourage entrepreneurial initiative?
By educating and not miseducating:
- There is fear but it can be fun and even rewarding (learning).
- We must be educated not to be dependent
- The risk of the fall is smaller than you think
- Educating through example