- IMPULSA Forum 2011
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22/06/2011 We are not a lost generation. We are ''The IMPULSA Generation''
Summary of the conversations junior-senior, by Mireia Seguí, student of the University of Girona.
22/06/2011 ''We want to achieve a macro-challenge: Young people in the room, help us. Instead of talking about things, let’s do things!''
Alfons Cornella, founder and CEO of Infonomia
22/06/2011 Cor de Teatre
22/06/2011 ''When began entrepreneuring I I tried to discover what it was in this intersection between technology and solving real problems''
David Berry, partner in Flagship Ventures
22/06/2011 ''Transformation is a journey. We transform ourselves and we transform the environment around us''
Talk between Carlota Mateos (senior) and Albert Brosa (junior). Power to the imagination.
22/06/2011 ''At The Founder Institute we help to launch a thousand technology companies every year. We don't want them to be average technology companies. We want them to be the best.''
The Founder Institute is a technology company incubator that was created in the U.S.A. by and for entrepreneurs.
22/06/2011 ''We must walk from the self criticism and from humility''
Inma Shara, one of the most brilliant representatives of the new generation of international orchestral conductors.
22/06/2011 ''If you change a rule without changing some value along with it, it’s useless. It seems that young people in the world are pessimists. But the generation that’s going to change the world will be the young people of today''
Tariq Krim, entrepreneur and founder of Netvibes and Jolicloud
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