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IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

''Enthusiasm is probably the lubricant of life''

Talk between Carlos Barrabés (senior) and Teresa Mas de Xaxars (junior). Enthusiasm generates opportunities.

  • Carlos Barrabés and Teresa Mas de Xaxars

Enthusiasm is probably the lubricant of life. C.B.

Enthusiasm is contagious, like throwing a stone into the water. It creates a ripple effect. TM.

Enthusiasm is the motor of leadership. C.B.

Without enthusiasm you are not happy in life; it is very important. T.M.

The worst thing that can happen to you is a lack of enthusiasm. Happy environments are , above all, those that are able to generate enthusiasm. C.B.

The yearning to achieve something, to go somewhere, helps people to build enthusiasm, to generate hope. TM

Enthusiasm means opportunities and prospects that can materialize and become reality. T.M.

We live on utopias, but we need to have a balance between utopias and hope that is possible. C.B.

Enthusiasm is a very good element for transforming prospects and moving our projects forward. T.M.

Some hopes are very private, others are shared.C.B.

There are hopes for winning, but the hopes to be are much more profound and important than the hopes for winning. CB

Most athletes compete to outdo themselves in sports and as a person, and this involves many values such as effort and sacrifice, which people sometimes don’t relate to hope, but which is what really leads to achieving this goal. T.M.

It gives you hope to know that you are still there, that you still have enthusiasm to keep on growing. Enthusiasm, in competition, is what sets you apart to go forward or say behind, what makes you cross the finish line.T.M.

The key of people with enthusiasm is knowing where they want to go. C.B.

We young people have any hopes, but we don’t all have a clear goal in sight. T.M.

We must be able to balance emotions: passion, success, failure. These must be aligned in the right measure, because otherwise a great deal of energy is lost. C.B.

When this energy is channeled, social projects emerge for the benefit of the entire society. What motivates me most to change the world is the fact that we can.T.M.

The worst thing that can happen to hope is depression. The true capability de get things moving lies in this great basis of people who want to change society. C.B.

You have to create enthusiasm and know how to use it when it appears. C.B.

I believe you create it little by little, as you become aware of it.T.M

In the University, in the team I work with, we want to find solutions to help people. Helping to change the world is a hope put into practice and made real. T.M.

Impulsa - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

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