"The word company means ‘those who eat from the same piece of bread’. It indicates a group of people who help each other, each one offering their own contribution. That is the where the strength of the company lies!"
With these words, Geronimo Stilton and his team (the Fantasy Company) begin each of their new journeys and adventures. A metaphor for the world we venture out into, where collaboration and the values of team work are fundamental for facing future challenges. With her books –close to 250 titles translated into more than 30 languages– and thanks to some innovative stylistic and typographic resources, Elisabetta Dami has revolutionised children’s literature.
This author, who would rather be experiencing the adventures of her fictional characters at first hand –climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, running the New York Marathon and parachute jumping– than making public appearances, has agreed to share the values of the Fantasy Company with all the participants of the IMPULSA Forum 2012, and invites them to ask themselves questions and imagine that anything is possible.