For me, magic is a world in which “yes“ is the answer to everything. Believing I can work something out is the first step and knowing I will do so is the next, even if it takes a lot longer than expected or if I have to put it aside for a few years. Having a dream and believing in it keeps us on track and helps us choose the right path when we come to different crossroads.
When I was small I always dreamed of being a magician. My parents saw it as a hobby and nothing more. I studied at university, was an intern, then a manager, and then a teacher ... but I never gave up on my dream. Although I was lucky enough to win awards at different magic championships, something was missing: a belief in what I was doing. It is at this point at which that CO we have been talking about appears, that cooperation involved in someone opening your eyes, even if it is your own choice. For me, the most important CO of all is self-COnfidence.
As Albert Einstein said: "In times of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge."