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IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona
IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

Put one or more geeks in your life!

A new generation of people, the geeks, are transforming absolutely everything: The geeks are changing the way in which we innovate. In the past, innovation was a capital-intensive activity, and it took many years to become trained. A lot of money was needed to set up a business. Today a fourteen-year-old can do it, and set up a global business. This radically changes everything.

Campus Party began in Malaga in 1997, and has since become the biggest technology and knowledge event that brings together 200,000 ‘campuseros’ from all over the world. In August 2012, the first Campus Party Europe will be held in Berlin, bringing together more than 10,000 participants from all over Europe. At this event we have set ourselves the challenge of rewriting Europe’s source code.

A new generation of people, the geeks, are transforming absolutely everything: The geeks are changing the way in which we innovate. In the past, innovation was a capital-intensive activity, and it took many years to become trained. A lot of money was needed to set up a business. Today a fourteen-year-old can do it, and set up a global business. This radically changes everything.

This is the first time that young people have taught their elders. There are many more people outside a company who can innovate than there are inside a company.

We have to be open, we have to change our way of thinking, to look outside for solutions that we cannot find inside. If you can, put one or more geeks in your life.

Impulsa - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

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