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IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona
IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

Schools should stop being academic centres and become centres of cultural transformation

The "Learning to be an Entrepreneur” conference organised by the Prince of Girona on 25 and 26 January 2012 brought together numerous institutions, authorities, foundations, public and private companies, and teachers, etc., who came to a series of conclusions: • There is a long way to go but Spain is up and running. All autonomous communities have exportable initiatives and best practices.

  • Capacity to interact, to interconnect all these institutions and bodies. Creation of a network of schools and individuals to promote entrepreneurship.

  • Entrepreneurship has a positive educational impact.

  • Entrepreneurship conveys skills and attitudes to: a) intrapreneurs, b) social entrepreneurs, and c) productive entrepreneurs.

  • Learning by doing. We create competent students who are capable of acting in their surroundings. From the knowledge society to a skills society.

  • Schools need to be opened and interaction with external agents should be sought. Schools should stop being academic centres and become centres of cultural transformation. We need entrepreneurial teaching teams, entrepreneurial schools and entrepreneurial educational communities in order to bring about a methodological revolution in the classroom.

  • We need to create teachers’ nurseries that teach staff the skills and tools to convey entrepreneurial culture. Trainers’ trainers.

  • Evaluation. How are skills evaluated if only concepts were evaluated before? One of the eight basic skills most associated with entrepreneurship is personal independence and initiative, from which specific new skills arise. We need evaluation systems sustained over time.

Impulsa - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

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