- IMPULSA Forum 2012
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- IMPULSA Videos 2012
29/06/2012 If all thirteen of us didn’t go, then nobody would go. The project belongs to everybody
29/06/2012 Schools should stop being academic centres and become centres of cultural transformation
29/06/2012 Let's begin a profound and productive collaboration. Onward IMPULSA!
29/06/2012 Scratch Workshop
29/06/2012 IMPULSA 2012 Awards for young entrepreneurs and innovators
29/06/2012 Leticia Moreno
29/06/2012 Get up again once and again
29/06/2012 Tenora 2.0
29/06/2012 Tap Dance
29/06/2012 Magic is a world in which “yes“ is the answer to everything
29/06/2012 We must turn our personal or professional success into improving the lives of others.
29/06/2012 Young people who do well and do good
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