Verkami is a neologism in Esperanto that means “love of creation”. Verkami began operating just over two years ago as a result of the impetus of a father and two sons, who shared a great passion for art and creativity. To date, we have financed over 1,200 projects, compared to one hundred in just the first year. This has been possible thanks to the contributions of nearly 150,000 people. Six million euros have been invested directly in cultural projects. The average contribution is 40 euros. 200 projects are currently simultaneously seeking funding. We offer advice to projects and therefore three out of four manage to get off the ground.
There are three keys to the success of this formula:
- Win-win, everyone ends up winning.
- It helps democratise culture: with 100 or 200 people for each creator, any project can become a reality (except a film, which requires greater funding).
- Participating as a sponsor offers experience of the creation and a view of the creative and production process of projects. It is a different experience from buying a book in a bookshop or a CD in a store.