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IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona
IMPULSA - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

Andreu Veà


Andreu Veà


His first computer, when he was twelve years old, worked with just 3Kb of memory. In 1986 this telecommunications engineer experienced international connection between computers for the first time. Since then, the word ‘Internet’ has been an integral part of his professional career, both in the public and private sectors, and also as a teacher at the La Salle School of Engineering. He is president of the Internet Society in Spain (ISOC-ES) and member of the advisory board of the Internet Hall of Fame. His latest book, Cómo creamos Internet (How we created the Internet), is the result of two decades of interviews with Internet pioneers. One of his next challenges is to help connect the world’s remaining 5 billion inhabitants to the Internet in order to improve their quality of life.

Impulsa - Fòrum Fundació Príncep de Girona

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