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29/06/2012 Think Big, Act small and Collaborate
The thinking big, acting differently and collaborating happens at the level of individuals. It does not require first a large scale change in society. But rather it is that these actions will change the society. It is definitely bottom-up. So the thought...
29/06/2012 Magic is a world in which “yes“ is the answer to everything
The question that springs to my mind is: Why are you sitting out there and not here telling us your story? You must have had an idea on more than one occasion ... plus a host of doubts, and told yourself, "I don’t have the money", "I don’t know if I...
29/06/2012 Explain your dream to everyone, and things are sure to happen
When you have a dream, don’t give up, share it with absolutely everybody. As I was Frank Reijkard’s assistant, I explained it to him. And the expansion was immediate. I thought I needed more media personalities and so I decided to contact Shakira,...
29/06/2012 If all thirteen of us didn’t go, then nobody would go. The project belongs to everybody
Gemma Ferraté and Marc Juvé are representing the thirteen directors who made the film Puzzled Love, an exercise by the Film and Audiovisual School of Catalonia (ESCAC), which was shown, among others, at the San Sebastian Film Festival. They talk with...
29/06/2012 We must turn our personal or professional success into improving the lives of others.
We discovered that millions of children in Africa have never owned a book. Our next goal is to send a million e-books to Africa. By reading these children will change the world and we want to help them to do so.
29/06/2012 Any reference to entrepreneurial education alludes to the future in both economic and social terms
We acknowledge the added value that an entrepreneurial education gives society in terms of better-trained young people, more employment opportunities, and greater income, which has a direct impact on the taxes collected by government, thus enabling it to...
29/06/2012 Schools should stop being academic centres and become centres of cultural transformation
The "Learning to be an Entrepreneur” conference organised by the Prince of Girona on 25 and 26 January 2012 brought together numerous institutions, authorities, foundations, public and private companies, and teachers, etc., who came to a series of...
29/06/2012 Young people who do well and do good
Gandhi's message is "I can". At Design for Change we strive to design solutions to the problems in our surroundings. We need to think that we can prompt the change the world needs. We tell children that they really do have opportunities. Every day we...
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