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22/06/2011 ''We all need to get out of our comfort zone and take a lot more chances.''
Xavier Verdaguer, founder of Innovalley
22/06/2011 White Paper on Entrepreneurship in Spain
Luisa Alemany, professor of Finance for Entrepreneurs and director of the ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute
22/06/2011 ''Every year 700 new businesses are created in the US. Only Israel creates more startups every year''
Carl J.Schramm, president and CEO of The Kauffman Foundation
22/06/2011 ''One million trees for Spain: Let’s start together the most ambitious tree planting activity''
Felix Finkbeiner, founder of de The Plant-for-the-Planet initiative
22/06/2011 ''Every human being is a potential gift, the same as everyone else. Education and learning allow this gift to acquire ever more value.''
Talk between Jordi Canals, dean of the IESE Business School (senior) and Cristina Peralta Martín, plastic artist (junior). Educating to create.
22/06/2011 ''Our new educational borders lie in creating talent in our new societies, a triumphant intelligence, in providing solutions with sufficient tenacity''
José Antonio Marina, researcher on Education and founder of La Universidad de Padres
22/06/2011 ''Children already practice innovation for its own sake, but we must give them the opportunity to develop it.''
Jon Dudas, president of FIRST®, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
22/06/2011 ''What have we done today to make the world we live in a better place?''
Jaume Sanllorente, journalist, writer and the Director of Mumbai Smiles
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