El Fòrum IMPULSA va ser un esdeveniment organitzat per la FPdGi que es va celebrar anualment a l'Auditori de Girona els anys 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 i 2015. L'objectiu era oferir un espai d’oportunitats per a què els joves perdessin la por a emprendre i a compartir les seves idees. Més de 5.000 joves van poder compartir en les diferents edicions del Fòrum les seves idees i projectes, adquirir experiència, parlar amb professionals i emprenedors consolidats, explorar les seves habilitats personals i professionals i desenvolupar les capacitats emprenedores.


''Being successful means filling the void''

Risto Mejide Josep Maria Piera Toni Segarra

We are abandoning the idea of general culture because of the society of efficiency. We should recuperate the value of a general overview of things, which should be appreciated as least as much as specialities are now.

About vocation...

Toni Segarra

Competing in the current environment requires everyone to find their vocation within themselves and that is not a gift from heaven, but requires help in finding it.

I advocate a culture of vocation because I also advocate a culture of effort.

Vocation should be defined as the learning of a talent that comes easily.

Risto Mejide

Dress in the clothes of the trade you would like to do and not in the one you have.

You are forced to take a decision and choose a career but that needn’t condition your entire life.

To be myself I had to start by creating another character.

On education

Josep Maria Piera

I put the fact there are so many publicists for the market to absorb down to the irresponsibility of the authorities. Education needs to be reconsidered.

Toni Segarra

The environment favours the construction of degree courses for a market that has now disappeared.

We live in an excessively specialised world. Whoever looks beyond their small patch of knowledge is successful.

We are getting things wrong by directing students to degree courses. We should be directing them towards discovery.

We are abandoning the idea of general culture because of the society of efficiency. We should recuperate the value of a general overview of things, which should be appreciated as least as much as specialities are now.

Risto Mejide

There are two major matters pending in this country: being able to speak well in public, and a good level of English. Not having these two skills makes us less competitive.

About professional opportunities...

Toni Segarra

We need to realise that we are in a complex environment. Perhaps things are harder for young people now but, at the same time, they have a broad range of possibilities.

Brands or companies are built on the basis of guiding principles.

The crisis has created the conviction that there is real change and that we cannot carry on living according to past dogmas.

We also learn by imitating.

Your future, more than ever before, is in your hands. Share your ideas and projects with others.

There is no such thing as “the best”. It is a false concept of the culture of success. Being good allows for success. And being good requires the conviction that one has the talent to do it and to work at it a lot.

Josep Maria Piera

It is not a person’s Curriculum Vitae that makes me notice them, but the 3-4 lines they write in the email before with the CV that can create a minimal difference.

We are at a point of tension between the need for simplicity and a more Renaissance-type mentality, a more global vision view of what is happening in the world.

Risto Mejide

It’s not the future that should interest you, but rather the present. No one knows what business will be like in a year’s time. Think about the opportunities you have now.

One tip is to surround yourself with people who are a lot better and with whom you always feel the slowest in the group. That is a good sign.

Now is the time to make mistakes. The older you grow, the more difficult it is to rectify them.

Being successful means filling the void.

Ideas do not matter; what’s important is the execution.

I’m an advocate of building prestige. Fame means that everyone knows you. Prestige means that the right people, the people you admire, know you.

There are three ways of being successful: being the best, being the first, and being the only one in something, and this is within everyone’s grasp.

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