El Fòrum IMPULSA va ser un esdeveniment organitzat per la FPdGi que es va celebrar anualment a l'Auditori de Girona els anys 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 i 2015. L'objectiu era oferir un espai d’oportunitats per a què els joves perdessin la por a emprendre i a compartir les seves idees. Més de 5.000 joves van poder compartir en les diferents edicions del Fòrum les seves idees i projectes, adquirir experiència, parlar amb professionals i emprenedors consolidats, explorar les seves habilitats personals i professionals i desenvolupar les capacitats emprenedores.

The nomination period for the FPdGi Awards 2016 is now open

The awards seek to recognise the career of young people between 16 and 35 years old and an organisation that has shown outstanding entrepreneurial capacity in innovative projects

The Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi) has opened the nomination period for the seventh edition of the FPdGi Awards. People and organisations interested in participating in this new edition of the Princess of Girona Foundation Awards 2016 have got to present their nominations before 23h of 30 November 2015.

The FPdGi is launching the Princess of Girona Foundation Awards with the aim of promoting and fostering initiative and effort, scientific research and artistic creativity, solidarity and the development of talent in young entrepreneurs and innovators who are driven to build a more just world in a globalised setting, and who have the capacity to take risks and the necessary motivation to bring about changes in society.

A total of five awards will be presented: four individual prizes for young people (aged between 16 and 35) who undertake a project, launch a business, or begin an endeavour, especially one that involves difficulty or risk, that is capable of creatively inducing positive changes in society, and another prize for an organisation that works for young people, especially in fostering entrepreneurial spirit, employability and workplace integration, education and academic success, vocation and talent.

All people and organisations interested in taking part can present their nominations on the Princess of GironaFoundation’s website, where they will also find the terms and conditions of entry as well as online application forms.

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