El Fòrum IMPULSA va ser un esdeveniment organitzat per la FPdGi que es va celebrar anualment a l'Auditori de Girona els anys 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 i 2015. L'objectiu era oferir un espai d’oportunitats per a què els joves perdessin la por a emprendre i a compartir les seves idees. Més de 5.000 joves van poder compartir en les diferents edicions del Fòrum les seves idees i projectes, adquirir experiència, parlar amb professionals i emprenedors consolidats, explorar les seves habilitats personals i professionals i desenvolupar les capacitats emprenedores.


Awards Ceremony

The FPdGi promotes and fosters initiative and effort in the areas of scientific research, artistic creativity, solidarity and the development of talent in entrepreneurial and innovative young people.

The Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi) awards these prizes every year with the aim of recognising the innovative and exemplary work of young people aged between 16 and 35 years, and that of an organisation working for young people. The goal is to promote and foster initiative and effort in the areas of scientific research, artistic creativity, solidarity and the development of talent in entrepreneurial and innovative young people.

The FPdGi 2015 Awards are:

Olga Felip Ordis, 2015 FPdGi Arts and Literature Award

Bernat Ollé Pocurull, 2015 FPdGi Business Award

Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez, 2015 FPdGi Scientific Research Award

Héctor Colunga Cabaleiro, 2015 FPdGi Social Award

Fundación Secretariado Gitano, 2015 FPdGi Organisation Award


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