El Fòrum IMPULSA va ser un esdeveniment organitzat per la FPdGi que es va celebrar anualment a l'Auditori de Girona els anys 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 i 2015. L'objectiu era oferir un espai d’oportunitats per a què els joves perdessin la por a emprendre i a compartir les seves idees. Més de 5.000 joves van poder compartir en les diferents edicions del Fòrum les seves idees i projectes, adquirir experiència, parlar amb professionals i emprenedors consolidats, explorar les seves habilitats personals i professionals i desenvolupar les capacitats emprenedores.

How to explain science

Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón

Using storytelling and monologues for scientific dissemination

This workshop is based on two key aspects: discovering your narrative voice and constructing your monologue. We will play with discovering and building your personal voice; working on your body language, spatial awareness, sensations and images to reveal your inner narrator, who can communicate through "oral writing". We will look into writing a monologue that tells a story, with a method that provides tools and suggestions to use on your own work. The workshop will finish by looking at the techniques that can turn a written text into something that works as a spoken discourse, and how to set the scene. We will look at stage presence and how you come across to the public, as well as the tools that create a connection between the speaker and the public; in other words, communication.

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